Alcohol & Drug Policy for Students & Student Organizations
Mission Statement Regarding Alcohol/Drugs
NJIT is committed to providing the university community with an academic environment that is helpful, challenging, safe and fulfilling. The university reaffirms this commitment by focusing on the health and safety of the entire NJIT community, specifically on the effects of alcohol/drugs on all aspects of community life. Individuals experiencing substance abuse issues are encouraged to seek professional assistance provided by services either on- or off-campus. Seeking professional assistance is a personal matter that is supported by the university. However, all members of the NJIT community are expected to meet personal conduct and professional standards as defined by university policies. NJIT prohibits the use of illegal drugs, advocates for the legal and responsible use of alcohol and supports healthy alternatives to the consumption of alcohol/drugs. The university is committed to educating the NJIT community about the importance of individual responsibility in relation to substance use and abuse.
Statement of Responsibility
New Jersey Institute of Technology is dedicated to maintaining the highest ethical standards and behaving in a responsible manner at all times. We honor the spirit of the regulations stated in the Code of Student Conduct and the University Policy on Academic Integrity, and will follow them in our involvement in our activities within and outside the classroom. In order to benefit from a safe and enjoyable social life, we endeavor to respect the rights of others. We recognize that each student makes his/her own decision regarding the use of alcohol. Those who choose to use alcohol shall do so in a responsible manner that does not threaten the welfare or enjoyment of others. We also recognize that the use of drugs is illegal and do not condone this behavior. Moreover, while the use and possession of cannabis by individuals aged 21 and over may be permitted under the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory, Enforcement Assistance, and Marketplace Modernization Act (“CREAMMA”), Section 47 of CREAMMA specifically designates institutions of higher education as locations where cannabis/marijuana use, production, distribution, sale, and transportation remain prohibited. Further, cannabis/marijuana still remains illegal under the federal Controlled Substances Act (“CSA”). As such, the use, distribution and/or possession of cannabis/marijuana is not permitted on the NJIT campus or properties, or at university events whether on or off-campus (collectively “NJIT Property”). Cannabis/marijuana shall be treated as a drug under this policy. As stated in the Code of Student Conduct, "Being under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol does not diminish or excuse a violation of the Code, and may result in more severe sanctions."
Resources for Support
To enhance a proactive approach to minimizing the impact of alcohol/drug use on the academic and social environment, the university provides confidential assessment, treatment and referral services for members of the community who may be experiencing problems with alcohol/ drug use. Students are encouraged to contact the Center for Counseling and Psychological Services at (973) 596-3414 or Health Services at (973) 596-3621. When students voluntarily seek assistance independently of any judicial process, these services are confidential in accordance with professional and legal guidelines; counseling/assessment information is kept within the Center for Counseling and Psychological Services (C-CAPS) or Health Services and is not part of students’ educational or other university records. Faculty and staff who are either experiencing problems with alcohol/ drug use or are concerned about someone else are encouraged to contact the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through Carebridge at or 1-800-437-0911 for confidential assistance. Referrals to off-campus substance abuse treatment providers and/or twelve step programs may also be provided by the Center for Counseling and Psychological Services (C-CAPS) or EAP when warranted by the nature of the presenting difficulty.
Education and Prevention
The NJIT Alcohol & Other Drug Education Committee will be guided by the mission statement above, and will work collaboratively with various areas and services of the university to provide ongoing educational initiatives, for example:
Information on alcohol/drugs, and the consequences of using/abusing them, will be made available to all members of the university community.
Alcohol/drug education programs will be made available to all members of the university community.
Federal, State and Local Laws
The policies established by NJIT for the use of alcohol/drugs are based on the federal, state and local Alcoholic Beverage Commission (ABC) regulations.
The sale, service, possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages by members of the NJIT community are regulated by federal, state and local laws. It is a violation of state law for a person less than 21 years of age to attempt to purchase, consume, possess, or transport alcoholic beverages. It is unlawful to sell, furnish, and give alcoholic beverages or to permit alcoholic beverages to be sold, furnished, or given to any minor. NJIT does not have the authority to alter these laws or exempt any member of the university community from them. All members of the NJIT community are responsible for making themselves familiar with these laws and obeying them. Below is a list of general regulations and acceptable forms of personal identification. This information is based on the alcoholic beverage laws, and is for informational purposes only. Under any circumstance, no one should serve, furnish, sell or deliver alcohol to a person who is actually or even appears to be intoxicated. If a person insists that he/she be served an alcoholic beverage, Public Safety or local police should be called for assistance.
Acceptable forms of personal identification are a valid New Jersey driver's license, county ID card, any valid state issued driver's license, and federal photo ID.
The use, distribution, manufacturing, consumption, and/or possession of drugs and other controlled substances are prohibited on the NJIT campus or properties, or at university events. Under CSA and other applicable federal law, the penalties for the unlawful use, possession, distribution of a controlled substance, such as cannabis/marijuana, can range from and include monetary fines and incarceration. The DEA’s federal trafficking penalties log chart sets forth the various possible penalties.
Student Organization Regulations
All events affiliated with NJIT are to be enjoyed by members of the NJIT community and their guests in accordance with state, federal and local laws and university regulations. The university affirms that the safety and respect for individuals and property is essential in promoting a positive campus environment. Therefore, the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in university public spaces, except as defined in these regulations.
Below are the general regulations required by the university governing any use of alcoholic beverages at any event or gathering on and off-campus sponsored by NJIT student organizations that include NJIT students, faculty, staff, alumni, university officials, guests or licensees:
Only recognized NJIT student organizations are permitted to hold events. All student organizations must have their on and off-campus events registered with the Office of Student Life.
Any event sponsored, authorized, sanctioned, endorsed and/or financed by a student organization must be in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and university policies. NJIT’s food service vendor has exclusive rights and the responsibility for the sale and distribution of alcohol on campus.
The possession, sale, use or consumption of alcoholic beverages in non-licensed public areas is prohibited. Student organization events held on-campus where alcohol is served may only take place in pre-approved locations designated by the Director of Student Life.
Events are not open to the general public. Event attendees must be members of the NJIT community including students, faculty, staff, alumni and their guests.
For events occurring off-campus in which alcohol is being served, the student organization must register their event on the Highlander Hub for approval before booking. The request must be submitted at least 2 weeks (or 10 business days) prior to the event. Records of approved events will be saved for reference on Highlander Hub. By registering their event, the event sponsor agrees to be responsible for supervising the implementation of alcoholic beverage laws and university regulations. The event sponsor also agrees to be present during the entire event.
A determination will be made by the Director of Student Life or designee if Public Safety will be required at an event at which alcoholic beverages are being served. This decision will be based on, but not limited to, the following factors:
Expected attendance at the event;
Sponsor of the event;
Attendance by non-NJIT guests;
Location of the event;
Other factors specific to the event.
A charge will be assessed for university Public Safety Officers when such presence is required at an event. Public Safety must be notified at least ten business days in advance of each event. Additional information about event guest policies and security requirements and cost can be found by contacting Public Safety or the Office of Student Services.
For events in which alcohol will be served on and off campus, the student organization must register the event with the Office of Student Life at least 2 weeks (10 business days) before the event.
No alcohol may be served during the last hour of an event.
The purchase or use of bulk quantities of alcohol (i.e. kegs, beer balls, or other pooled sources of alcohol) except by a licensed vendor is prohibited. Grain alcohol in any form is prohibited.
No event shall include any form of drinking contest or encourage any form of rapid alcohol consumption, either at the event or in the promotion of said event.
An ample supply of sealed and appealing non-alcoholic beverages, including water and non-salty food, must be available in the same location as the alcoholic beverages. It must be as prominently visible and accessible as the alcoholic beverage. Alcoholic beverages must not be misrepresented or labeled as non-alcoholic beverages. The food and non-alcoholic beverages must be available before, during, and after the serving of alcoholic beverages.
Advertising for and invitations to an event cannot include any reference to alcohol regardless of the presence of alcoholic beverages.
Alcoholic beverages cannot be provided as awards, door prizes or giveaways of any kind.
Alcoholic intoxication is not permitted on university grounds or at university sponsored events. Symptoms of alcohol intoxication include, but are not limited to, being disruptive, slurring words, stumbling, vomiting, and being unconscious.
No alcoholic beverages may be purchased by a student organization's funds, unless approved by the Dean of Students or designee, nor may the purchase of alcohol for members or guests be undertaken or coordinated by any member in the name of the student organization. An individual must take responsibility for the purchase of alcohol, using non-organizational funds.
No student organization may enter into an agreement to co-sponsor an event where alcohol is present unless prior permission has been granted by the Director of Student Life or designee.
All membership recruitment activities associated with any student organization shall be alcohol-free. No alcohol shall be consumed and/or associated with any membership recruitment or new member activity.
For an event where alcohol is being served, the number of guests cannot exceed the number of NJIT students, faculty and staff present, unless written permission has been granted by the Office of Student Life. The number of people at any event must comply with state and local fire code regulations regarding the capacity of the facility where the event is held.
Events must begin and end at the times specified as registered and approved on Highlander Hub. No alcohol may be served during the last hour of an event. All events must be finished by 1:00 AM with the last call at 12:00 AM.
As with all events, if an emergency occurs, the event organizers will contact Public Safety at (973) 596-3111 or 911 for immediate assistance.
Guests may not carry alcoholic beverages while leaving the premises where the event is held.
Organizations not utilizing a third party vendor for service of alcohol must purchase dram shop insurance prior to hosting the event.
For events at which alcohol will be served off-campus at a non-licensed location, the following procedures must be enforced by and are the responsibility of the student organization:
All events must be submitted and approved on highlander hub at least 2 weeks (or 10 business days) prior to the event
A minimum of two organization members must be present at the entrance of the event to check for proof of age. Two valid forms of ID are required for admittance: a valid photo ID that states date of birth and a valid college ID. College ID alone is not an acceptable proof of age.
Functions hosted by a NJIT student organization are open only to the members, guests, and sponsors of the event. Anyone appearing to be under the influence of alcohol/drugs shall not be permitted entrance into the event.
The sponsoring organization must maintain a list of guests who attend the event listing the name and date of birth. Wristbands must be provided to all persons who are 21 years of age or older. Only those wearing a wristband may be served alcohol.
At least two designated members of the organization who are not consuming alcohol including the persons stationed at the door will be assigned to monitor the alcohol consumption of all members and guests. These designated members will be responsible for providing options and ensuring that guests under the influence of alcohol/drugs do not leave the event without proper verification of a safe escort home. Designated members will contact Public Safety if assistance is needed.
NJIT Fraternity and Sorority Life organizations must adhere to all alcohol policies and regulations as described in the Fraternity & Sorority Life Handbook (
Controlled substances such as cannabis/marijuana are not permitted on NJIT Property. The University’s position is also reiterated in section 3 of the Code of Student Conduct.
Residence Hall Regulations
The following regulations apply to the presence of alcohol in the residence halls:
Persons who are 21 years of age or older may possess and consume alcoholic beverages, but only in the individual residence hall rooms of students 21 years of age or older.
Consumption or distribution of alcoholic beverages is not permitted in any location other than in the individual residence hall room of student’s 21 years of age or older.
The possession of containers that previously contained alcohol is not permitted by individuals less than 21 years of age. This includes bottles filled with sand, highlighted water, etc.
The collection of monies prior, during, or following any function in the residence halls where alcoholic beverages are served is not permitted.
Any student observed bringing alcohol into a residence hall may be confronted by a staff member to determine if the student is of legal age to possess alcohol.
If the student is 21 years of age or older, he/she is reminded that distribution of alcoholic beverages to minors and intoxicated persons is a policy violation.
If the student is under 21 years of age, the alcoholic beverages will be poured out by the student.
If a student under 21 years of age is found in possession of alcoholic beverages whether the container is open/unsealed or closed/sealed, the student will pour out the remaining alcoholic beverages.
If students under 21 years of age are in a room where open/unsealed containers of alcohol are present, the minors will be considered to have been provided with, and in possession of alcohol, and appropriate charges will be filed for everyone involved. In a roommate/suitemate situation when no one else is present and where one student is under 21 and the other is 21 or older the presence of alcohol is permitted. (For reference, the Residence Life Guest Policy states: Each resident may have up to three guests (signed-in or not). A total of eight people may be in a room/suite/apartment at one time (including residents). This means that there may be no more than eight people total in a Redwood room, more than eight people total in both rooms of a Cypress/Laurel suite, or more than eight people in an Oak apartment (except for Oak 105, x08 and x09 rooms where there may be 10 people total) and .Maple Hall
Common Areas
Students are not permitted to be intoxicated in public areas. The symptoms of alcohol intoxication include, but are not limited to, being disruptive, slurring words, stumbling, vomiting, or being unconscious.
If a student is 21 years of age or older, he/she may transport alcoholic beverages to his/her room through common areas as long as it is in the original closed container.
No alcohol may be stored in the foyer area of rooms in Cypress and Laurel Halls.
General Guidelines
Residents will be held responsible for activities that occur in their rooms. Residents will also be held responsible if guests are in violation of alcohol policies.
In enforcing alcohol policies, residence hall staff is required to check students’ ages. It is the student’s obligation, when asked, to provide proof that he/she is of legal age to possess alcoholic beverages.
Failure to comply with the direction of or to present identification to University officials acting in the performance of their duties is a violation of the Code of Student Conduct.
Kegs containing alcoholic beverages, beer balls or other pooled sources of alcohol are not permitted in or around residence halls.
The use or possession of paraphernalia used for consuming large quantities of alcohol quickly (i.e. funnel) or for any type of drinking game is prohibited.
Any party or gathering at which the rules and policies regarding alcoholic beverages have been violated will be terminated and all alcohol will be poured out or confiscated.
Supplying false information, such as name, age, etc., to University officials who are acting in the performance of their duties is a violation of the Code of Student Conduct.
The Office of Public Safety may be involved for assistance with transportation to a hospital, disruptive behavior, etc. in any of the above situations.
Controlled substances such as cannabis/marijuana are not permitted on NJIT Property. The University’s position is also reiterated in the Code of Student Conduct.
Drug Free Workplace
Student employees are subject to university policies regarding employment. NJIT is committed to maintaining a drug-free workplace in compliance with applicable laws. The university is further committed both to rigorous enforcement of applicable laws and policies and to support for those trying to cope with drug-related problems.
NJIT’s Drug-Free Workplace Policy Statement clearly provides that the unlawful possession, use, distribution, dispensation, sale, or manufacture of controlled substances is prohibited on NJIT Property. Any NJIT employee determined to have violated this policy or engaged in drug-related problems that have an impact upon the workplace may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Violations and Accountability
Individuals who violate the NJIT Alcohol/Drug Policy and/or university regulations shall be held accountable for their behavior.
Levels of Offenses
Violations of the most serious nature:
These include incidences that involve extreme risk to health and safety, previous violation(s) of the NJIT Alcohol/Drug Policy, and/or violations of Federal, State, or local laws. These offenses include, but are not limited to:
Serving or providing alcohol to an individual under 21 years of age;
Serving or providing alcohol to an individual who appears intoxicated or under the influence of drugs;
Forcing or using coercion to encourage or cause another student to consume alcohol and/or a controlled dangerous substance;
Failing to seek appropriate assistance for an individual who appears intoxicated or under the influence of drugs;
Using, possessing, manufacturing, distributing, or dispensing a narcotic or other controlled dangerous substance (Note: controlled substances, such as marijuana/cannabis, are defined in the Controlled Substances Act, 21 USC §§801-904, and "controlled dangerous substance" is defined in N.J.S.A.24:21-2, and includes, but is not limited to, opiates, narcotics, barbiturates, and hallucinogenic substance);
Failing to abide by Federal, State, and local laws;
Permitting drinking contests or encouraging any form of rapid consumption of alcohol;
Contributing to serious health risks such as vomiting, alcohol poisoning, being unconscious;
Contributing to any accident, sexual misconduct, act of violence and/or damage to property related to the use of alcohol/drugs.
Violations of a serious nature:
Incidences that involve serious risk to health and safety, previous violation(s) of the NJIT Alcohol/Drug Policy, and/or violations of Federal, State, or local laws. These offenses include, but are not limited to:
Purchasing or using bulk quantities of alcohol. Examples include, but are not limited to, beer balls, kegs containing alcoholic beverages, or other pooled sources of alcohol.
Failure to secure written permission to serve alcoholic beverages.
Failure to provide ample food and appealing sealed non-alcoholic beverages in the same location as alcoholic beverages.
Sanctions shall be implemented in accordance with the NJIT Conduct of Student Code, and will reflect the severity of the offense(s).
Student Sanctions
Range of sanctions for violations of the most serious nature, as stated above - disciplinary probation to expulsion.
Range of sanctions for violations of a serious nature, as stated above - verbal warning to suspension.
In addition to the sanctions above, educational and/or health related interventions may also be assigned. More information about these interventions is available in section XII below.
Organization Sanctions
Range of sanctions for violations of the most serious nature, as stated above - disciplinary probation to permanent withdrawal of university recognition (expulsion).
Range of sanctions for violations of a serious nature, as stated above - verbal warning to temporary withdrawal of university recognition (suspension).
In addition to the sanctions above, educational sanctions may also be assigned. They include, but are not limited to:
Sponsor an alcohol and/or drug related educational program on campus, approved by Director of Student Life or designee.
Attendance and completion of a social host policies training program, TIPS training program and/or other alcohol/drug education program by at least seventy-five percent of the group membership with the expense borne by the organization.
Completion of a designated community service project by the organization.
Employee Sanctions
Any employee found in violation of this policy may face disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Information about employee sanctions may be obtained from Human Resources at 973 596- 3140.
Additionally, NJIT Department of Public Safety personnel is guided by all directives, guidelines, mandates, and other advisory communications from the New Jersey's Attorney General's Office and Essex County Prosecutor's Office regarding the use of illegal controlled substances or cannabis products.
NJIT recognizes that a student may be deterred from requesting assistance for themselves or others in the event of an alcohol or other drug-related medical or safety emergency out of concern that the student may become subject to disciplinary action under the Code of Student Conduct. As such NJIT’s Amnesty Policy for Alcohol or other Drug-related Emergencies has been designed to support students to obtain professional medical treatment for themselves or others when dangerously intoxicated or impaired without the threat of disciplinary action in certain circumstance.
When there is concern about personally dangerous substance use by the student violator a mandated formal substance abuse evaluation may be required. It shall be scheduled within two weeks of the offense. The substance abuse assessment may be scheduled at an off-campus substance abuse treatment facility or in rare instances at the NJIT Center for Counseling and Psychological ServicesCenter and may involve three or more sessions. Any and all expenses shall be borne by the student. The student must provide documentation to the Hearing Board, Dean of Students or designee that the assessment was completed.
When completion of an alcohol and/or other drug related education program is deemed to be potentially helpful to the student violator, completion of such a program within one month of the hearing may be mandated. The individual must provide documentation to the Hearing Board, Dean of Students or designee that these steps were completed.
Note: The requirement above to provide documentation that a substance abuse assessment was completed pertains only when a student was found by the Hearing Board, Dean of Students, or designee to be in violation of this policy and/or the Code of Student Conduct. When students seek services at C-CAPS independently for an alcohol or other drug-related problem (or for other concerns), their counseling contacts are protected by confidentiality in accordance with professional legal and ethical guidelines.
Emergency Situations
In cases where any member of the NJIT community needs immediate assistance to the point where the involvement of emergency personnel is deemed necessary, the following guidelines with regard to transport to a hospital will be observed:
To protect the health and safety of individuals, when a person is found in an altered state, a professional staff member in charge of the area and Public Safety will be notified. EMS will be contacted to do an on-site evaluation. If EMS deems it appropriate, the individual will be transported to the hospital, even if it is against the individual’s will.
If EMS determines that the individual is not in danger then transportation will not be required. If EMS determines that the individual is not in physical danger, yet they recommend that the person remain under observation, (s)he must be transported. Under no circumstance should NJIT staff or students take on the responsibility of monitoring a person's condition.
In cases when a representative of the hosting organization initiates a request for medical, Campus Safety, or police assistance, the action will be documented and brought forth prior to the sanctioning stage within any campus hearing procedure.
An individual might be considered in an altered state if (s)he exhibits behaviors or conditions including, but not limited to:
Refusal and unwillingness to alter and/or change inappropriate actions after being confronted by a staff member.
Exhibiting hostile, aggressive and belligerent manner towards staff members or other individuals.
Obvious trouble standing and/or walking.
Engaging in socially unacceptable behavior that is considered disruptive, destructive and/or illegal.
Vomiting from alcohol/drug consumption.
Inability to recall the amount of alcohol/drug consumed.
Appearing unconscious.
Appearing to exhibit cold, clammy, pale or bluish skin.
Showing respiratory problems exhibited by a slow, irregular breathing pattern (less than eight breaths per minute or ten or more seconds between breaths).
Slurring words.
NOTE: this list is not all-encompassing.
XIII. Personal Support Services |
Immediate Medical Emergency |
911 |
7 Days, 24 Hours |
Public Safety |
(973) 596-3111 |
7 Days, 24 Hours |
Student Health Services |
(973) 596-2561 |
Monday & Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm |
Center for Counseling and Psychological Services |
(973) 596-3414 |
Monday & Friday 8:30 am -5:00 pm and Tuesday-Thursday 8:30 am -6:00 pm or by appointment) Emergency Walk-In |
Employee Assistance Program (Carebridge) |
(800) 437-0911 |
7 Days, 24 Hours |
University Hospital Crisis Line |
(973) 623-2323 |
7 Days, 24 Hours |
Sexual Assault Hotline |
877 733-CARE (2273) |
7 Days, 24 Hours |
(973) 972-1325 |
Monday-Friday: 8:30am-4:30pm |
Relationship/Domestic Violence Hotline |
(800) 799-SAFE (7233) |
7 Days, 24 Hours |
Alcoholic Anonymous/ Narcotics Anonymous |
(800) 572-7233 |
7 days, 24 Hours |
Alanon/Adult Children of Alcoholics (12-Step Support Groups) |
(973) 744-8686 |
Monday- Friday: 9am-5pm |
NJ Drug Abuse Hotline |
(800) 225-0196 |
7 Days, 24 Hours |
LGBTQ (Trevor Hotline) |
(866) 488-7386 |
7 Days, 24 Hours |
Suicide/Psychiatric Emergency Hotlines |
(800) 273-8255 |
7 Days, 24 Hours |
(973) 623-2323 |
7 Days, 24 Hours |
(973) 429-6969 |
7 Days, 24 Hours |
Campus Center |
(973) 596-3605 |
Monday-Friday: 8am-11pm |
Saturday: 8am-8pm |
Sunday: 11am-8pm |
Residence Life Office |
(973) 596-3039 |
Monday-Friday: 8:30am-4:30pm |
Dean of Student Services Office |
(973) 596-3470 |
Monday-Friday: 8:30am-4:30pm |